Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still on death's door

Yep, I think I've managed to get worse since yesterday. I sincerely didn't think it was possible. No matter how much Tylenol I take, my temp seems to hover around 100*. Luckily, it's not 102 or anything (which could be very bad for the baby). But, I didn't make it in for another blood draw this morning so my goal is for Thursday. So far so good though - no spotting, or cramping or anything. Although, honestly, it's hard to take that as a good sign, because I literally had no indication that something was wrong last time. I had a true missed miscarriage. I didn't have any morning sickness either, but my hormones were pretty high, so who knows really. I guess I'll take anything that seems different from last time as a good sign. I got a little nauseous this morning, but it's hard to say if that was from being sick or pregnant. Oh well. Hopefully, this pregnancy will last and I can tell the baby how much of a rough start he/she had in utero!


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