Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The rollercoaster ride begins again!

Well, here I am again. Knocked up. I found out much earlier this time, because, well, we were actually trying. For those of you who don't know, I had a miscarriage with my first baby at 10 weeks on 9/24/08. We started trying again in November, and after just 3 months, I'm pregnant again!

Taken at 8am this morning:

I'm nervous, excited, and cautious all at the same time.

This weekend, I'm heading to Atlantic City. I've been planning this trip for months! I get to see two of my oldest and dearest friends, and I'll have to lie to them all weekend! I'll also need to avoid drinking and try to dodge any areas where there's cigarette smoke. Did I mention that my dad is coming down to meet me there on Friday? I hate lying. But, we told *everyone* within the first week last time, and it's just torturous to have to un-tell. I had blood work done this morning, which I'll repeat on Friday exactly 48hours later (and right before I get on the road for AC) so if that goes well, we may tell my dad and B's mom the following week. We have a big trip in early March to Florida (with my dad), which is of course the time where I should be having my first ultrasound. The big question is, do I do it right before my trip, or wait until I get back? Last time, we had the ultrasound one week before our big summer vacation to the Outerbanks, and of course the ultrasound didn't go well, and I was supposed to repeat it a week later (smack dab in the middle of the trip) so we had to wait until we got back. So, instea of having a kick-ass vacation, in the back of my mind, I was wondering if I had a viable baby or not. I still had a nice time, but it was very difficult not to know. I don't think I can go through that again. But, at the same token, how can I wait a whole week to find out? Guess I'll ask what I should do when I go back to my OB's office on Friday.

I don't have many symptoms yet. In fact, that is actually what made me think I *am* pregnant. The past 2 months, I was 99% sure I was pregnant - I was peeing all the time, bloated, hungry, crampy, the whole nine yards. And, obviously I wasn't. This month, nada. So, this morning, on a whim, I just decided to test. I was pretty shocked by the positive result. Haven't seen one of those in a while :) It's a very nice feeling. Of course, even though I've had a prior miscarriage, I'm not out of the woods for another, or even a chemical pregnancy, but I am keeping my fingers crossed, hoping and praying for the best, and trying to remain as relaxed as humanly possible. If all goes well, we'll have a little baby to dress up for Halloween!


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