Thursday, February 12, 2009

3rd Betas & residual cough

My 3rd - and FINAL - betas are in, thankfully, because my arms can't take it anymore. My betas are 1058, which is well over 1000, and is perfect! The nurse had me decide over the phone this morning if I wanted to go in for an ultrasound on Feb. 25th or March 11th. I'm going to be in Florida in the middle week, which is actually when she wanted me in. I'm still trying to figure out if I made the right call. The overly optimistic side of me is trying to convince me that all is fine, and that I'll see a beautiful little baby with a beating heart. The negative side is telling me that I'm going to go through exactly the same thing last time - see nothing on an ultrasound, have to wait for 2 weeks (because of a vacation) and then return to see more nothing, and then put an end to it. Going through a miscarriage with your first pregnancy is really hard :(

On another note, I got almost no sleep last night. While I feel a million times better; the fever is gone and I didn't spend the day in bed yesterday, I spent the entire night awake with a hacking cough. This morning, I called my OB's office to ask what I can take. Tylenol w/Codeine. Really!? This baby is really in for it. Between the high fevers, constant Tylenol for 48hrs straight, and a cough that could have dislodged it, now I'm supposed to expose it to Tylenol w/Codeine. Wow. We'll see.


1 comment:

  1. Those betas are great! Hope the cough gets better!
