Monday, February 9, 2009

Back from AC and sick :(

Good news and bad news. The bad news is, I am sick, complete with fever, chills, muscle aching, coughing, and a bad sore throat. The good news is, I had a blast in AC (until I got sick) and I got my second betas this morning - 165. They more than doubled, so yay for that :) However, my doctor's office (this may be the beginning of many more rants to come - so fair warning for you) tried to freak me out on the phone by telling me the numbers were low. I had to ask if they realized that I wasn't even 4 weeks pregnant when I came in for the second draw. The answer was of course no. I explained that I was very early when I got the betas drawn, and that I was well above average based on every beta chart... no dice. I am supposed to go back in tomorrow for a third draw. I can't believe this. I don't really care too much except that I look like a drug addict with 2 bruised arms. It doesn't hurt to get a 3rd beta done, but I think it's a waste of time. It's 4 days after the last one, which means that the number should be at least 660. There was mention of an early ultrasound though, so that would be ok. I know it'll at least be another week or so before you could see anything at all. Last time, even at nearly 7 weeks, nothing was really seen, so the thought of going in early and not seeing very much is very scary!


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