Saturday, February 21, 2009

6 down, 34 to go

I have reached 6 weeks! I know this isn't a major milestone, but it was during this week last time that everything fell apart. I started to have way less symptoms, and I started to wonder if something was wrong. I still have all of my symptoms in place (namely the insane bloat and the fatigue) and I'm just feeling pregnant in general. I went to bed at around 10:30 last night (after struggling for hours to stay awake) and woke up at 9:30 this morning. And, I was still tired. Oh, and did I mention the 4 pieces of pizza I consumed last night for dinner? :/ Not good.

I'm still totally on the fence about this ultrasound on Wednesday. I know I need to make a decision by Tuesday to give them enough time to reschedule me. I guess I'll just have to go with my gut feeling on that day.

In other news, I learned that my cousin is 16 weeks pregnant! She's having her third child, and she has 2 girls, and this one is a boy. My other cousin is about 35 weeks pregnant right now with her second (a girl, the first is a boy) so it's kind of cool that all of these 2nd cousins will be very close in age.


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