Monday, June 1, 2009

Weight gain chart

I found this really neat tool online that I'm going to try and stick to:

So far, I'm in the normal range. If I can keep it up, hopefully I'll only gain 30lbs the whole pregnancy. That would be really great. I hear you lose about 12-15 right after giving birth (depending on the baby's size) and then another few just in that first week, and then I'd be possibly more than half-way there back to my regular weight, which I'm fine with. Breastfeeding can burn up to 500cals a day, so that's a pound a week right there! I plan to do the 30-day shred as soon as I get the OK after delivery. I was doing that for a couple of months before I got pregnant and it was really awesome. I may have to bust out the Wii Fit as well!


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