Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Non-baby related post

B is leaving tomorrow for a 12 night trip, and I'm sad. He's going to a very scary place (please pray that he arrives home safe and sound) and we won't get to talk very much. Furthermore, I hate being alone in my house - the dogs are hyper aware of the fact that he's gone and they're very sensitive to every sound, which in turn scares me and makes me think there's someone in my house! I hate when he's gone for even one night, but this is the most we've been apart since we first started dating and he was away for nearly 5 months in the same scary place. Things were a little different then, and we weren't even living together (he moved into my house when he returned from the trip). Since then, the most we've been apart is a week and that has only been one time. By the end of June, he'll have been gone for a total of 21 nights of about 60. I never imagined he'd be traveling so much while I'm pregnant. When he returns, I'll be so much closer to the 3rd trimester. He has promised no more travel... it's way too hard on both of us (especially me).

Otherwise, things are fine. I'm feeling good, sleeping has been fine, and I've been pretty active physically. Just a few short days until V-day! I can't wait.


1 comment:

  1. Hey girl - That stinks that DH has to leave for a bit. But just think about how awesome it will be when he returns!

    I left you a reply on the other site, jaw is still on the floor.
