Monday, June 8, 2009

What I woke up to this morning :(

This is my left arm. This is also what my right arm looks like, as well as my belly. The rash doesn't particularly itch, which is good, but it's not exactly something I want to be dealing with right now. I ate tons of things yesterday which I've not eaten this pregnancy. Let's start with breakfast - waffles with strawberries. A lot of strawberries. We went to the Farmer's Market the day before and I picked up 2 dozen or so strawberries, most of which we shared yesterday at breakfast. As a kid, I had a strawberry allergy (which produced an allergic reaction just like this) but I outgrew that allergy, as most kids do, by the time I was 8 or 9. Perhaps it's back.

For dinner, I made a spicy pork bolognese (with fresh ground pork from the market) as well as buffalo/pork sausage from the market. I rarely eat buffalo, and again, not while I've been pregnant. I had a few unpleasant stomach issues yesterday as well, but I didn't make too much of that...

I also applied cocoa/shea butter to my stomach for the first time after my shower yesterday. I'd like to think that the lotion could not have done this.

I guess I'll find out more when I go to my primary care doc this morning!


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