Friday, June 12, 2009


Last night, B and I took a Baby-Ready-Pets class offered by a local shelter. It was rather informative, but left us feeling a little uneasy. We have 2 great dogs, both of whom have their quirks, but overall, are very good pups. I guess I didn't realize how much things are going to change for them when the newest chicken arrives (they are the original chickens!)

We were instructed to do all kinds of prep for them to ease the transition. We were given a CD of baby noises, and we were told to not allow them in the baby's room prior to his arrival or without me being in there, under any circumstance. Also, the baby is *never* to be left alone with either dog. Apparently, a crying baby can be mistaken for prey. There have been horrible stories of even the smallest dogs (chihuahuas and pomeranians) attacking and killing newborns when they didn't have a prior history of aggression. I have to admit, that scares me a lot.

Neither dog has really been around a newborn, or even a toddler for that matter, so I have no idea what to expect. They're not aggressive dogs by nature, but I imagine that could all change :/ They're not high maintenance and while we walk them on occasion, we have a nice big fenced yard for them to run around in, so that's where the majority of their exercise takes place. They have a food and water feeder, so we can't forget to feed them :) That's the good news. I just hope they don't feel too neglected. I know tons of people manage their pets and babies, and I'm sure things will be fine. I can totally see one of my dogs walking around with a pacifier in his mouth...


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