Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I seriously cannot believe that my big u/s is at this time tomorrow. It's surreal. I had my very first vivid pregnancy dream last night, in which I was getting an ultrasound and the baby was clearly a boy. But, they also told me I was farther along by TEN weeks, so this was obviously kind of a weird dream ;) But, we'll see. I still don't have a gut feeling, but I've been leaning a bit towards boy all along, so we'll see. I have always said that I'd prefer a boy to be the first born so that he could be a "big brother" but I'm very open to a girl first, too! I'm an only child, so either way, this will be interesting. I'm worried that the baby might not cooperate. I'll have to pick up something sugary today to try and ensure that there is a lot of wiggling going on tomorrow!


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