Monday, March 9, 2009

Back from my trip

Well, I survived the trip to Orlando. It had its ups and downs but I'm glad I went. I only had one pregnancy freakout when I got food poisoning last week. B made me a sandwich with 3 week old turkey (which they were still selling at the store) and I got violently ill (along with my 11 year old nephew). Not cool. I was very tired throughout the week, taking a nap pretty much every afternoon. I also had trouble staying awake past 10pm. The nausea/queasiness came and went - some days I felt fine, other days were iffy, but nothing past about a 3 on a scale of 1-10. I am sincerely hoping I am just lucky, and not that things aren't going well :/

My appointment is 48hrs from now. I am 50/50 excited and terrified. I just don't know what to think. Of course I've not had any bleeding or cramping and I want so desperately to take that as a good sign, but based on last pregnancy, it's more like my body NOT recognizing when things aren't going well. I keep saying little prayers throughout the day, trying to remain as hopeful as possible, but I know I'm jaded from last time. If you're reading this, please pray for me!!


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