Friday, March 20, 2009

25% done!

I can't believe I am a quarter way through this pregnancy. That's pretty cool. Let's just hope these next 30 weeks sail by :)

So, the biggest problem of owning a doppler? TURNING IT OFF. Seriously. I might just quit my job and lie in bed all day listening to the sound of the baby's heart beat. It's the most soothing sound I've ever heard. It's still consistent around 175. So far today, I've only listened to it once, which is a big accomplishment :) I am going to try and hold out until tomorrow. I'm thinking if I just listen to it once a day, that won't be *too* obsessive, will it? I am hoping with time it will get easier to find it. Not that it's terribly difficult - I think the longest it's ever taken me to find is 10 minutes, but it's still a loooooong 10 minutes. Sometimes I find it immediately, which is nice. I wonder what twin heartbeats sound like. I bet that must be a pretty neat sound.

I am so glad that a lot of symptoms have dissipated a great deal. I am still exhausted, though. I also have an additional symptom, though I'm n0t sure what it is. It *might* be round ligament pain (ligaments stretching = super painful) or it might just be my uterus growing, but I have had this sharp pinching sensation on the left side of my abdomen. Fortunately, the baby is on the right and no where near the pain, but it's still annoying nonetheless.

Tomorrow marks the day that I am the most pregnant I have ever been. Woohoo!


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