Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I HAVE A BABY WITH A HEARTBEAT!! A real, live, in utero baby. Soooooooo cool.

I was going fairly well with anxiety/nerves until the drive over to the doctor's office, and then sitting in the waiting room. My heart started to beat out of my chest. I just didn't know what to expect. I got called back to the ultrasound room and I thought my heart was going to explode- it was the same room I had 2 of my bad ultrasounds and also with the same technician. I told her I was a little nervous based on the past and asked her how soon I'd be able to know if everything was ok. She said immediately. I didn't even have time to react - 2 seconds later, she said everything looks good and turned the monitor in my direction and I could CLEARLY see a close to 9 week looking fetus with a strong heartbeat. Then she turned on the machine so I could hear the heart beating away! It was 180bpm which I was told is totally normal and good. The baby is measuring 1 day ahead too (an overacheiver already). I actually changed my ticker at the top of the blog since my due date moved up to 10/16/09. My first OB appt. is Friday and while I'm not scheduled with my usual doc, at least it is a doc I've seen before.

I'm just so, so relieved. The miscarriage rate is now only about 3-5% and I will take those odds!!! And now for Chicken Junior's first photos. The first photo is a side view, and in the 2nd, you can actually see the little arms and legs.

8w5d (yay for gaining an extra day!)


  1. So happy to hear this. :) And what awesome pictures!

    - Erin (ENev)

  2. Congrats!!! Your baby looks like it's covering it's face with it's arms in the side view :) My son's HR was about 180 at our first U/S as well. Congrats again!! I've been following your story and am very glad to hear good news :)

  3. Thanks for the great comments :) I just TODAY discovered the comments on my blog! People actually read this! This is awesome.
