Monday, March 30, 2009

Excited for tomorrow

In spite of the fact that the MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) office kept me on hold for TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES this morning, I am excited to go there tomorrow for my NT scan. I was calling because they didn't give me any instructions about how to prepare for the ultrasound, so I thought I'd call and check if I needed to drink like 12 gallons of water beforehand. I do not, which I am glad for. I hate that bursting bladder feeling...

Another rave for my doppler. Since the weekend, I have been able to pick up the heartbeat almost immediately, and now I can get it on either side of my abdomen! It's so cool. I'm pretty psyched that the little chicken is big enough to be heard all the way across. I wonder what he/she will look like tomorrow - I hope I get some good pics. Of course I also hope that everything is ok and all the parts are in the right place :) I'm still so in awe of the process of building a human being.

In other news, I'm feeling pretty good. Still tired here and there, but as the 2nd Tri approaches, I feel like I am doing well.


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