Thursday, October 1, 2009

Having a baby this month... and uninvited stretch marks.

Liam will be born this month! Yeah, that's weird to say.

Speaking of weird...

Some of you may know that I have an irrational fear of stretch marks (even though I have some on my butt from this pregnancy). I know they are war wounds, but I am SO pale that they're so obvious on my white skin. I see the beginnings of them wanting to form in a circle around my belly button. I cannot believe I have gotten this far without any on my stomach and now they're coming. So I did some research, found that La Mer products are likely the best out there and just paid 12.99 for ONE OUNCE on eBay. Yes, ONE OUNCE. I, apparently, am desperate. I am terrified that in my home stretch of being pregnant, these suckers are going to just pop out everywhere. In the meantime, before my ONE OUNCE arrives, I will be religiously applying my cocoa/shea butter lotion 2-3x/day. I used to apply it only once, but I need to ramp that up obviously. And possibly double my water intake, even though I drink nearly a gallon of water a day as it is.

I have officially approached insanity.


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