Saturday, October 3, 2009

39 weeks (and a day)

I have tons of mixed emotions. On one hand, I'm relishing in being pregnant in the final days, but on the other hand, I can't wait to be physically capable of doing things again. The sad part is, I have a feeling that it will be an exceptionally long time until I feel like myself. I also may never look like myself again either. I've never been super vain or anything, but this seems to bother me right now way more than I'd like it to. I guess I will have to re-create my self-image, post-partum. This should be interesting.

I have one more doctor's appointment on Friday. Unfortunately, my doctor is not in the office this week, so I'll see one of the other docs, whom I've basically been seeing throughout the pregnancy. I'll ask her to feel for Liam's head and if it *still* isn't engaged, I guess that'll be the answer. If it is, I'll ask for a growth ultrasound (fortunately, the tech is in the office on Fridays) and if he has grown consistently in 3+ weeks, he should be about 8.5lbs and still measuring in a very high percentile, not consistent with me to give birth the regular way (with my small bone structure). If things have changed (he's engaged, smaller than predicted, etc.) I may ask to be induced Sunday evening or early Monday morning and be given the opportunity to labor for a set number of hours and see how things go. If he doesn't progress or seems to be in distress, then we can head for a c-section. This seems like the rational way to proceed, in my opinion. I imagine I could change my mind 27 times before the end of the week, but right now, that's how I'm leaning.

One of the last updates:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 30lbs - I'm pleased with this!
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah
Stretch marks? There are some trying to form around my belly button, so I have $30 worth of Bio-Oil, La Mer and cocoa/shea butter to try and combat them... we shall see. It just feels wrong to have made it so far, and only now do I have these battle scars on my belly. The ones on my butt are bad enough but no one really needs to see them. Smack dab in the middle of my stomach? COME ON. I have to hope that they'd fade away in a few months (with religious application of miracle oils and lotions, ha) but who knows. I am trying to be cool with this, really I am.
Sleep: I seem to wake up like clockwork at either 5 or 6am, wide awake, for whatever reason. I spend about 30 minutes awake, get up to pee, then go to sleep again. I actually feel like I am sleeping solidly for 5-6 hours before waking up though, which is nice. Although, when I wake up, my thoughts usually start to race/anxiety sets in, which is frustrating.
Best moment this week: Telling people that I am due next weekend and seeing the shocked look on their faces!
Movement: Lots of rolls, and strong movements mixed in with subtle ones as well.
Food cravings: Junk food. Ok, not really a craving, but I have been indulging in some things I would not normally indulge in. Let's take Saturday for instance. At the Farmer's Market, I split a Ham & Swiss crepe with B, and then we shared a chocolate croissant (as well as several pears/apples). In the late afternoon, we stopped at Wendy's where I had a Spicy Chicken sandwich, some fries, and a few spoonfuls of chili. I then came home and had 2 chocolate chip cookies which I had baked a couple of nights ago. For "dinner" we had milkshakes and a bowl of popcorn while we watched a movie.That may not sound *that* bad, but it's a far cry from my usual food intake ;)
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: None really. Not expecting to either.
Belly Button in or out? So I was wrong. It's not going to pop.
What I miss: Feeling normal.
What I am looking forward to: In one week (or less, but I doubt it) I will meet little Liam. Unbelievable.
Milestone: I've been ridiculously fortunate/blessed this pregnancy and I can only hope that extends until after my little chicken is here.


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