Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm not changing my ticker again

Wow, what a day.

We arrived at 10:30 for my doctor's appointment (which ended up being the longest doctor's appointment in the history of appointments) as B and I didn't leave the office until close to 1:30, but that's a whole seperate issue...

Anyway. After waiting in the waiting room for over a half an hour, we got called back and I peed in a cup, had my weight and BP checked. Weight gain was at 28lbs (which I thought was good because I had all my clothes on) and my BP was 120/70, so still great. B and I then went back to the exam room and proceeded to wait for a whole hour. I can't actually believe how long we waited. But, he took the day off, and we were just chatting/hanging out, so it wasn't that bad. If I were by myself, I probably would have been really annoyed. The doc comes in (I hadn't seen her since I was 9 weeks!) and I actually really like her a lot (she and my primary OB are really great) and spent some time answering questions, palpating my stomach, and then sent us back to the waiting room to wait for the rescheduled ultrasound (which was supposed to be at 11:15). We got back for our ultrasound at 1 where we were in for some real shockers. Liam is measuring in the 90th percentile for size. He's measuring over 37 weeks (and 38 weeks in some areas) and is estimated to be 7lb1oz at this point. The weight estimate can be off by a pound in either direction, but I think I might be looking at an 8 or 9lb baby when he comes! GOOD LORD. Either way, he's physically at full term at this point, and while I'm still not ready (mentally) to deliver him, it seems like he'd be totally fine if he were born tomorrow.

I'm just still in shock that he measured so big. Wow. At least he is doing really well. And, I think I am too for being at least a week ahead of where I'm at ;)

36w3d (maybe?)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like everything is going great...and Liam is ready for the world!
