Saturday, September 5, 2009

35 weeks (+1 day - sorry!)

I'm less than 35 and 35! 35 weeks (and 1 day), with 34 days left to go. Wow. The time is kind of flying by. I'm starting to reach the point of being very uncomfortable sometimes. I imagine in a week or two I might actually be something that resembles miserable, but I am hoping not. I just feel very large and I have trouble standing for any length of time. I also simply cannot walk around without my two hands supporting my hips/lower back. I must look hilarious. Or very pregnant. I am starting to get the "OMG when are you due?" comments from strangers. That's always fun. Not.

I've managed to not freak out (much) when my wedding ring sometimes doesn't fit in the morning. I can still get my engagement ring on without a problem, but the wedding ring is a half size smaller. By the afternoon, I can wear both typically. For the record, my wedding ring is a size 3 1/2. And, I'm not totally freaking out when I think it looks like my feet are just a tiny bit bigger than they were before. Actually, it's just my right foot, which is a little odd.

It's all worth it though... I am beyond thrilled to meet Liam. I can't wait to see what color eyes he has, what color hair he has (if he has any!) and what he looks like... what is personality will be like. It's really incredible. And, just a little while longer!!

We had our last hurrah yesterday as a family of two, and threw a BBQ for 20 of our friends. Two of our friends brought their kids (one was 21 months and the other was 5 weeks). It was so fun to be around little boys!

Today we finished off our registry ($400 worth - ouch) and now we finally have just about everything we need for when Liam arrives. We just need to install the carseat/bases and get them inspected. I ordered some super cute wooden wall letters from Etsy and they should be here in a few weeks. We'll put them above the crib, and then I'll feel like the nursery is more complete. Even though we plan to have Liam in the pack n' play next to our bed for the first couple of months, it'll be good to know that his room is ready for him!

Baby Center update: Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 26lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still proud that I can wear non-mat things too :)
Stretch marks? Butt - yes, stomach - no.
Sleep: Still having good nights and bad nights.
Best moment this week: Realizing that I am going to have a baby next month (OR SOONER!)
Movement: Still pretty regular
Food cravings: None
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: None, but sometimes it does feel like he's sitting low, but it is probably just my muscles stretching out.
Belly Button in or out? hasn't quite popped
What I miss: My waist
What I am looking forward to: 9 days from now when I don't have to worry about work for quite some time.
Milestone: 35 & 35!



  1. Congrats to us on 35/35 this week! I'm starting to feel pretty uncomfortable at times, too. And I'm up 26 pounds at 35 weeks, as well! I can't believe how close we are to meeting our little boys - it's so exciting! :)

    Oh, I meant to ask - did you finish your registry at BRU? Did you get your completion coupon or just ask for it? We'll want to finish our registry after our last shower this coming week, but I don't know when we'll get that darn coupon!


  2. Yeah, we finished it at BRU and just asked for the completion coupon when we arrived. It was not a hassle at all! And, we added a bunch of stuff that we didn't register for and got 10% off of those as well!
