Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I know Liam's birthday

I haven't mentioned this on here yet, because I thought maybe something would change, but it really hasn't. I have a few factors working against me for a regular childbirth, and it looks as though a c-section is the right choice, as hard as it is to succumb to.

1) Liam's size. Right now he's projected at 8lbs, and if I went to full term or a week later (which is when they induce you at my practice) he'd probably be well over 9lbs, making it nearly impossible for him to fit.

2) Liam's position. His head is nowhere near my pelvis - my doctor was easily able to move his head from side to side, and she said that he'll likely be this way until he's born. The position is technically called transverse (and is written on my chart that way), which is odd, because transverse, by definition, would mean his head was on one side and his feet on the other. Either way, wrong position for labor.

3) My family history. And, this is the most important one, which is frustrating considering my mom isn't even alive for me to ask specific questions, so I have to take my father's word for it, and hope he remembers everything accurately. My mom was in labor for an entire day before she was deemed failure to progress and I was an emergency c-section. Her pelvis was not big enough to accommodate 7lbs of me. And, I'm actually a smaller person bone-wise (by a little) than my mother was. This does not bode well for me whatsoever (says my doc).

So, needless to say, a c-section is in the works. I have to wait until I am full term as my doctor is out of town all next week. That is sort of frustrating because of course I am afraid of going into labor and having an on-call doc perform a c-section in the middle of the night. That would be horrible. If it has to happen that way, so be it, but I'd feel much more comfortable with my own doctor whom I've known for years. And, in reality, I could schedule it any time next week with one of the other 2 docs in the practice, but I am not going to. Neither of them were willing to tell it to me straight, and I simply don't feel as comfortable with either of them cutting me open as I do with my own doc.

That's the story. In less than 2 weeks, he'll be here for sure.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

38 weeks

I can't believe how close I am getting to the end.

At my weekly doctor's appointment this week, they drew my blood for a fasting glucose, based on the baby's size, and just to rule out GD just in case I was one of the few who slipped through the cracks. I got the results the next day and my fasting level was 75 or 76 (normal range is 70-99) so I am totally fine there, and do not have GD (which I really didn't think I had). I just have a big baby boy I suppose!

Only a couple more of these updates to go!
Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old.

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 29lbs - I guess I will end up close to my 30lb goal, which I am happy with.
Maternity clothes? Some of my maternity shirts don't cover the bottom of my belly, which is kind of funny. My stomach is straight out, so I am not surprised by this, but it's just funny to look at.
Stretch marks? Still crossing my fingers every day that they stay where they're at, and don't start creeping around to my belly.
Sleep: A few good nights this week, and I don't actually feel sleepy most of the time. However, sleeping is probably the most uncomfortable thing to do at this point, rivaled with actually getting out of the bed in the morning. Although, I still am sleeping through the night in terms of having to pee. This is quite rare, I'm sure.
Best moment this week: Having an appointment with my regular OB (who was my doc for a few years before I was pregnant) who laid things out on the table for me (more on that in a few days).
Movement: Still regular movements, though I've really been trying to pay attention to this more than I have in the past, because I know that as he runs out of room, his movements change a bit.
Food cravings: Yesterday, I really wanted Thai food. Badly. Maybe this was a craving. Although, honestly, this happened to me all the time when not pregnant. I just really like Thai food :)
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: I might have had a contraction on Friday night. It started on my left side of my back and radiated toward the front. It could have been anything else, too. Nothing else has happened since then.
Belly Button in or out? Not popped.
What I miss: Being able to walk normally.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my son. I am actually starting to get really excited/anxious as the end is so close.
Milestone: I'm so grateful to have made it this far, and know that he'd probably (HOPEFULLY) be healthy if born right now. It's such a miracle, and I am grateful every single day for this.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

37 weeks (Full term - ahh!)

This is what I got from Baby Center this morning:

Congratulations! Your baby is full-term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away. He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

So, my little guy is probably a pound more than that, and longer than 19 inches. I am dying to see what he looks like. I can most certainly wait a few more weeks, though I am actually starting to get uncomfortable. It's hit or miss with my feet. Some days they are swollen, and some days they look fine. I am trying to get a daily foot massage, which really helps.

I'm trying to relax though this week has been a bit hectic. I had a friend staying at my house all weekend, and a few of us went to a very late show (midnight) on Friday night and I didn't get home until near 3. I had a seat the whole time, but I was a bit uncomfortable. The show was amazing though, and I'm really glad I went. I took a 20 min cat nap earlier in the day and that really helped. I also made a big Rosh Hashana dinner that night, so there was definitely a lot going on. I relaxed during the day yesterday until my friend's birthday dinner at one of my favorite restaurants that night. Today has been laundry and relaxing.

I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and hopefully I will get some answers then. I'm doing a fasting glucose test that morning too, just to make absolute sure that everything is ok with that. I know I passed the GD test, but it only screens like 85% of people with GD or something. I mean, I am thinking it is too late to do anything if I were to be in the 3% of the population who actually has GD. Again, not really concerned but so curious as to why this little guy is so big! I'm in the home stretch now and things are becoming increasingly more real - especially when I have friends who were due around my time who already have their babies!

Here's hopefully one of my last weekly surveys:

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 28lbs (I'm glad it's the same number as last week!)
Maternity clothes? I wore an outfit last night that was entirely non maternity. It was fun :)
Stretch marks? My butt is not a pretty sight, but some how, some way, there are none on my stomach.
Sleep: Pretty bad overall :(
Best moment this week: Receiving an honorary pregnant lady award for going to a midnight show on Friday night and staying out until 3am :P AND,having an awesome time.
Movement: Still a lot, which is nice. Last night before bed, Liam was poking his knee or elbow through my skin so hard that my stomach looked like a tent. It was so wild.
Food cravings: I've gotten through the whole pregnancy without cravings or aversions. Amazing.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: I *thought* I was having contractions on my left side yesterday. They felt like ovulation pains, but I think I was mistaken. I think it was a trapped gas bubble that just bothered me every few minutes.
Belly Button in or out? I guess it isn't going to "pop." I'm not disappointed but I really thought it would.
What I miss: Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to: A whole week of nothing to do! Maternity leave is fabulous.
Milestone: Full term. This is really incredible. He can be born at any time (especially as he's in the 90th percentile for size!!!!!) and be fine.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm not changing my ticker again

Wow, what a day.

We arrived at 10:30 for my doctor's appointment (which ended up being the longest doctor's appointment in the history of appointments) as B and I didn't leave the office until close to 1:30, but that's a whole seperate issue...

Anyway. After waiting in the waiting room for over a half an hour, we got called back and I peed in a cup, had my weight and BP checked. Weight gain was at 28lbs (which I thought was good because I had all my clothes on) and my BP was 120/70, so still great. B and I then went back to the exam room and proceeded to wait for a whole hour. I can't actually believe how long we waited. But, he took the day off, and we were just chatting/hanging out, so it wasn't that bad. If I were by myself, I probably would have been really annoyed. The doc comes in (I hadn't seen her since I was 9 weeks!) and I actually really like her a lot (she and my primary OB are really great) and spent some time answering questions, palpating my stomach, and then sent us back to the waiting room to wait for the rescheduled ultrasound (which was supposed to be at 11:15). We got back for our ultrasound at 1 where we were in for some real shockers. Liam is measuring in the 90th percentile for size. He's measuring over 37 weeks (and 38 weeks in some areas) and is estimated to be 7lb1oz at this point. The weight estimate can be off by a pound in either direction, but I think I might be looking at an 8 or 9lb baby when he comes! GOOD LORD. Either way, he's physically at full term at this point, and while I'm still not ready (mentally) to deliver him, it seems like he'd be totally fine if he were born tomorrow.

I'm just still in shock that he measured so big. Wow. At least he is doing really well. And, I think I am too for being at least a week ahead of where I'm at ;)

36w3d (maybe?)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1st day of "Maternity Leave"

Ok, so I put that in quotes because I figure if I work for myself, maternity leave is really kind of silly. If I don't work, I don't get paid. It's not terribly exciting that I have this time off. I'd actually prefer to be working still, but if I do go into labor before my due date, I can't leave my clients high and dry. Nonetheless, I am not working until 2010 and that is wild. I cleaned out my office yesterday, and I will be in pursuit of new office space in the coming year. For now, my attention is the baby, and preparing for his arrival.

I have a list of things I need to complete and then I'll feel a bit more secure.

1) Freezer meals. I just placed an order with Omaha Steaks and Let's Dish and they'll arrive in the next week or two. I'm also planning to cook a few staples this weekend (Pasta Bolognese, Corn Chowder, Chili, Ziti, Casseroles). I'd like to not have to worry about food much for the first month after Liam's arrival. That will be nice.

2) Nursery. This is 90% complete and I am beyond pleased. We just have a few aesthetics such as shades/blinds, as well as the wall letters I ordered from Etsy, and any other wall decor I want to put up. Everything is assembled and put in the right place.

3) Washing clothes. I had to re-wash mostly everything after my mother-in-law washed all the clothes with fabric softener (a big no-no!) and I am mostly done with this, but still have a few odds and ends.

4) Pack hospital bag. I have my list complete, but I actually have to pack it. The idea of this makes me nervous so I am going to wait until some time next week to actually do this. If anyone is curious, here's what is on my list:

- Purse
- Birth plan
- Bathrobe
- Pillow
- Boppy
- Towel (in case of water breaking/leaking)
- Pajamas
- Socks
- Flip flops
- Nipple shield
- Lanolin cream
- Cell phone & charger
- Camera & charger
- laptop & DVD's (Friends and movies)
- Magazines/books
- Pads
- loose fitting underwear
- Nursing bra & nursing pads
- lounge pants & comfortable tops (something to wear home)
- Toothbrush/paste
- moisturizer/face wash
- Belly Bars/protein drinks
- hard candies (jolly ranchers)
- deodorant
- Shampoo
- brush
- hair ties
- going home outfit
- Mittens & socks
- Blanket & receiving blanket
- Baby book (for footprint)
- 10-12 newborn sized diapers

5) Finances in order. We're going to pay off a major credit card in the coming week and it's going to be great. We paid off our AmEx this morning (the APR was exceeding 10%) and it was blissful.

6) Wills. Not excited about this, but it's necessary.

7) Clean out fridge. I am waiting until that real "nesting" urge kicks in and then I will remove all the stuff in there, wipe and sanitize, put it back in. If I am really feeling a strong urge, I'll tackle the oven too. Probably not.

I think that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Luckily, none of those are too daunting.
I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow and an ultrasound to measure growth as well as the baby's position (head down unless he has somehow turned in the past day). Will report back after that!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

36 weeks

This week has been interesting. Filled with good days and bad days but mostly I'm ok. The other day, the weather was terrible (overcast, rainy) and I felt like crap. My joints hurts, I ached and I really felt like I couldn't get out of bed. It was rough. The next day I was completely fine. Sleep has been so hit or miss, and it's frustrating. I wake up at some point on my back no matter what I do. This leaves me feeling sore and achy. I am trying my best to sleep on my side and I'll probably have to bust out the snoogle again tonight and see how that goes.

I still feel like there's so much to do (car seat installation, hospital bag packing, finishing up the nursery) and there really is only a finite amount of time left for this. I'm trying not to stress. I only have 2 more days of work and then I don't work again until 2010. This is a wild concept!

I'm annoyed with my weight gain. I was really hoping to finish the pregnancy with 30lbs but I know it's going to be 35. I seem to be gaining 1.5-2 a week even though nothing about my diet has changed at all. My right foot is still a bit swollen regardless of how much I elevate it/drink tons of water, etc. I guess if these are the worst problems I have, I'm doing ok :)

In other news, it looks like Liam's middle name will be Henry. I love the name combination but this is B's middle name as well as my sister in law's son's middle name. Being Jewish, this fundamentally goes against what I believe in, but I guess like everything else, you have to make sacrifices. Liam is named for my mom (Linda) and Henry will be for B's dad/grandfather, even though he keeps telling people that Henry is named for him. I guess this is the problem I have. If B didn't have Henry as his middle name as well as my nephew, this would be no big deal. Ugh. I feel so stuck with this.

Anyway, speaking of Liam, here is what is going on with him:

Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement. At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely he's in a head-down position. But if he isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly.

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 28lbs (I'm going to surpass my goal of 30lbs :( )
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Still crossing my fingers for none on my stomach... worried about the weeks to come.
Sleep: 50/50
Best moment this week: Sleeping through the night once without waking up to switch sides. I guess I should be fortunate that I haven't woken up to pee since about 9 weeks...
Movement: Nothing has changed in this department
Food cravings: None
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: None!
Belly Button in or out? I guess I was wrong about it popping at this point. The husband thinks it isn't going to happen at all.
What I miss: Normal sleeping
What I am looking forward to: 48 hours from now when I am officially on "Maternity Leave" though when you own your own business, it isn't is glamorous as it sounds ;)
Milestone: 1 week from full term

ok, technically, this pic was taken several days before 36 weeks, but it looks ok, in my opinion, so I am going to use it :)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

35 weeks (+1 day - sorry!)

I'm less than 35 and 35! 35 weeks (and 1 day), with 34 days left to go. Wow. The time is kind of flying by. I'm starting to reach the point of being very uncomfortable sometimes. I imagine in a week or two I might actually be something that resembles miserable, but I am hoping not. I just feel very large and I have trouble standing for any length of time. I also simply cannot walk around without my two hands supporting my hips/lower back. I must look hilarious. Or very pregnant. I am starting to get the "OMG when are you due?" comments from strangers. That's always fun. Not.

I've managed to not freak out (much) when my wedding ring sometimes doesn't fit in the morning. I can still get my engagement ring on without a problem, but the wedding ring is a half size smaller. By the afternoon, I can wear both typically. For the record, my wedding ring is a size 3 1/2. And, I'm not totally freaking out when I think it looks like my feet are just a tiny bit bigger than they were before. Actually, it's just my right foot, which is a little odd.

It's all worth it though... I am beyond thrilled to meet Liam. I can't wait to see what color eyes he has, what color hair he has (if he has any!) and what he looks like... what is personality will be like. It's really incredible. And, just a little while longer!!

We had our last hurrah yesterday as a family of two, and threw a BBQ for 20 of our friends. Two of our friends brought their kids (one was 21 months and the other was 5 weeks). It was so fun to be around little boys!

Today we finished off our registry ($400 worth - ouch) and now we finally have just about everything we need for when Liam arrives. We just need to install the carseat/bases and get them inspected. I ordered some super cute wooden wall letters from Etsy and they should be here in a few weeks. We'll put them above the crib, and then I'll feel like the nursery is more complete. Even though we plan to have Liam in the pack n' play next to our bed for the first couple of months, it'll be good to know that his room is ready for him!

Baby Center update: Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 26lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still proud that I can wear non-mat things too :)
Stretch marks? Butt - yes, stomach - no.
Sleep: Still having good nights and bad nights.
Best moment this week: Realizing that I am going to have a baby next month (OR SOONER!)
Movement: Still pretty regular
Food cravings: None
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: None, but sometimes it does feel like he's sitting low, but it is probably just my muscles stretching out.
Belly Button in or out? hasn't quite popped
What I miss: My waist
What I am looking forward to: 9 days from now when I don't have to worry about work for quite some time.
Milestone: 35 & 35!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009