Monday, July 6, 2009

26 weeks (and a day, oops!)

Sorry for the late update. Way too much going on this weekend to post :)

Friday was a relaxing day, filled with casual grocery shopping, brunch with a friend and watching some TV/movies. On Saturday we were prepping for the BBQ and Hot-Dog-Eating Competition, which ended up being a ton of fun. My wonderful husband placed 2nd after thinking he wasn't going to participate and had already had several hot dogs, a burger, a few beers, and food throughout the day. I didn't know whether to be horrified or impressed that he wolfed down 4 dogs in 5 minutes. The winner effortlessly consumed 10 dogs in 5 minutes. He then went on to have dessert afterward...

Yesterday, we got a lot accomplished with the nursery! Our dear friends helped us paint and then B set up the crib! So much fun.

I've been feeling pretty good. I've gotten some comments lately that my stomach looks much bigger than before, so I guess little Liam is having a growth spurt! As long as he's healthy, that's fine with me. I still have only gained about 15/16lbs and based on the pregnancy weight gain calculator, the avg. is about 17.5 at this point so I still have room to grow. I feel confident I will gain at least 30lbs but am hoping I can stay right around that mark... I just have to remember to drink loads of water. It's hard sometimes because I feel like I am drinking enough, but I know I have to have a few extra glasses on top of that!

Here's a development update for this week:
The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 15/16 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Mostly
Stretch marks? a couple smaller ones near my butt on one side.
Sleep: Pretty good though starting to get pretty tired in the evenings again.
Best moment this week: B coming home from the scary place!
Movement: A lot - and tons of hiccups, too!
Food cravings: Nothing notable.
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Not at all, thankfully. If I spend a lot of time on my feet or outside, I tend to get some Braxton-Hicks (I think).
Belly Button in or out? Hasn't popped just yet.
What I miss: Not feeling like I am going to topple over when I bend down.
What I am looking forward to: Making it to the 3rd tri next week.
Milestone: 26 weeks - in a better safety zone!



  1. You look great! Amazing that the 2nd tri is almost over. Can't wait to see the whole nursery set up. We should have some pix to post soon too!

  2. Love the name Liam. And I guess it was the weekend for putting together cribs - we did that, too! (as you saw on the Bump I know ;)

    I can't believe we're almost to the third trimester, holy moly!!!

    Your weight gain sounds good - don't you wonder where it all IS? I'm up 19 pounds at the 26-week mark - that's a lot of pounds! I was trying to shoot for the 30 lb. mark, too, but it's looking like it'll be more like 35, or maybe even more. Yikes!! Just more to lose once he's here, I guess, but I'll manage!

    Anyway, you're looking great! So exciting to be this far!!

