Wednesday, July 1, 2009

25 week OB appt.

I had my 25 week appointment today and all is well with the chicken. His heartrate was 148. It's so funny to think it was in the 180's early on, and how much it has slowed (which is normal).

My doctor was running late (by about 70 minutes, which caused B to have to go back to the car and feed the meter, causing him to nearly miss the appointment) and when my blood pressure was first checked, it was a little on the high side (130/84). My doctor (who is my favorite in the practice, and was my GYN for 2 years before I was pregnant) took my blood pressure at the end and it was 117/68!! This is definitely good for pregnancy :) Not at risk of pre-eclampsia at this time :)

I did manage to gain 4.5/5lbs since my last appointment so I'm up to about 15 total. I *think* I can make my goal of 30 total by the end of this pregnancy. Even if I gain 35, that's still ok too, but it just means more to lose afterward!

My next appointment is on the 31st and I'll be about 29ish weeks by that point. Then my appointments are every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when they become every week. I also have to schedule my 1-hr glucose test for 3 weeks from now. Let's hope I pass on the first try and that I don't have gestational diabetes!!


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