Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Doctor's appointment today

Had my 12/13 week appointment today and it went really well. The doctor brought out her doppler (which looked a lot like mine!) and the baby's heartbeat was in the mid 160's. It's kind of neat that as the baby grows, his/her heart slows down a little bit. By delivery, it should be around 120/130.

I got my results from the NT scan and my chances of a baby with any kind of Trisomy (chromosomal disorder) went from about 1 in 750 (based on my age) to 1 in 10,000 so that was really good.

In big news, I scheduled the BIG ULTRASOUND for 6 weeks from tomorrow!! I can't believe it. I am so excited. May 20th is the big day!!

In not so exciting news, I have pregnancy induced sciatica. So, yeah, I'm an 87 year old pregnant woman. Did I mention how much it hurts?!?


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