Friday, February 26, 2010

Solid foods, sleeping through the night - all the fun stuff!

Well folks, I can hardly believe it, but my son has actually been sleeping through the night lately. Last night we put him down at 8:30 and he slept straight through until 6:30am. Pure bliss. For the past 2 weeks, he has been sleeping better than ever, with several 7, 8 and 9 hour nights. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the start of solid foods, but it certainly can't hurt. Plus, he had nothing last night and still slept well. Like his mother, he absolutely refused to eat sweet potatoes :) I was so proud! We've tried peas, carrots, prunes, and sweet potatoes. He's loved the carrots and prunes, but has hated the other two. We'll probably try bananas or pears next and see if he likes those. It's really fun seeing him try new things!

Liam is such a happy and fun baby, it's hard to believe that if we have more kids, we'd be blessed this way again. He will happily play with his toys for hours on end without a complaint, and he almost *never* cries. He will literally only cry if he really needs something (usually if he gets overstimulated, which doesn't happen too often). He can roll over both ways, he laughs and giggles endlessly, and he smiles almost the entire day. It's like he loves his life as much as his mommy and daddy do! He's GREAT in the car, whether he's sleeping or awake, and he goes to bed at night without a fuss. Even if he does wake up to eat in the middle of the night, he doesn't scream or cry - he simply starts talking, and does sort of a gentle whimpering to let us know that he'd like a bottle. He's also an incredible napper. I can always count on him for a long nap (typically 2-3 hours) and then 2 shorter naps, but he typically naps anywhere from 3-5 hours a day!

Yes, I'm bragging. I love my kid :) We also went through a lot together to get to this point. There was the fussiness/gassiness/colicky behavior around 2 months that I thought would never end (plus the waking twice a night to eat). I'd give just about anything to have been more present during the first 6 or 8 weeks of his life, rather than contained in that horrific post-partum bubble. Every now and then I get a little sad thinking that I don't have many great memories from that time. I know it doesn't help him, or me, to think along those lines so I try and stop myself. I'm doing the very best I can now, and I think I am doing a great job/being a great mom, and I can't wait to witness Liam's next milestones!

Liam is 4.5 months old

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