Friday, February 12, 2010

4 months old :)

My baby is 4 months old today. I'm both happy and sad about this. He's growing SO big (he's 16lb6oz and 25.5" - 80th percentile) but he's getting farther and farther away from being my little baby. He has such a personality now - he giggles and laughs when we do things he likes - particularly when we hold him upside down. He eats food now (well, cereal) and he slept 9 hours straight last night for the first time (9-6). It was AMAZING. It was weird not being woken up at 3am. I could get used to this...

Liam is 4 months old


  1. Happy four months to Liam! I feel the same way about Henry turning four months tomorrow - excited, but also kind of sad. It's INSANE how quickly the little baby stage passes!!

    Glad he slept so well last night, hope that keeps up!!
