Friday, March 12, 2010

5 months

Well, my baby is 5 months old today. He celebrated by sleeping 11+hrs uninterrupted last night! His mommy still woke up at 4:45am for no good reason :/

He's been doing so well lately - taking great naps, sleeping through the night on a lot of nights, eating all of the foods I prepare for him, and just being a happy kid.

We took him to the playground yesterday for the first time and he absolutely loved the swings. He giggled and laughed and had an amazing time. He fell asleep in the jogging stroller on the way back and transferred with no problem to the crib. I'm trying to get him to take 2 out of 3 naps in his crib, rather than the swing. That's been going Ok so far.

I've been making all of his meals since last week and that has gone really well. So far, Liam has had: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Mangoes, Avocados, Apples, Bananas, Prunes and next up is Squash. Can't wait!

Here's a pic of my cutie on the swing yesterday:

Liam is 5 months old

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