Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Starting to get the hang of things... sort of.

Well, we survived the first 3 weeks. Barely, I think. Well, at least it seemed impossible for me. Some days I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I'll admit that I've had some exceptionally difficult days throughout Liam's first 3 weeks of life.

Breastfeeding has never been easy. He's a very lazy nurser and I have had an oversupply of milk, so I've been weaning down with the pumping. My doctor would like me to wean off completely, due to persistent mastitis which I've had for a week now. I even had to get an ultrasound yesterday to make sure that I didn't have an abscess (fortunately, I don't). I've seen a lactation consultant, and I've been to my doctor's office twice in the past week, and I'm on 2 different antibiotics. I guess this makes up for my problem-free pregnancy! So, I'm taking the breastfeeding/pumping one day at a time. I have to get the mastitis under control or nothing is going to work. I've been giving him exclusively breast milk for 3 weeks now, and have never supplemented with formula. We may introduce formula this week and see how that goes. I am hopeful that it may allow Liam to sleep longer at night, provided that it doesn't upset his tummy. He wakes about every 3 hours at night for food. He has had a 4 or 5 hour stretch here and there but I think that was last week.

My mother-in-law is here, which is mostly due to my lack of confidence in being on my own with the baby. I often feel like I just don't know how to soothe him or what he wants. Fortunately, she'll be here for another few weeks, which might make this process a little bit easier on me. I just keep taking things one day at a time, and often one hour at a time.

On the positive side, I've lost all of my pregnancy weight (as of a few days ago!)

Liam is 3 weeks, and 1 day old

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