Monday, October 18, 2010

1 year

We all made it safely to one year and I am in awe. It was a very long year in so many ways but I wouldn't trade this year for anything. Liam is absolutely incredible and I'm looking forward to toddlerhood more than I ever thought I would. Liam started walking at 11 months so at this point, he is RUNNING everywhere. We had a big party for him yesterday and he sure enjoyed smashing up a birthday cake.

I'm realizing that as Liam gets older, I'm wanting to keep the intimate details of his life more private, so this is going to be my last blog entry here. To those who have kept up with this, thank you very much :) :) :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

10 months!

My baby is 5/6 of a year old :) It's been a looooong time since I've posted anything. I'm lazy about blogging, I know.

So, Liam is almost a toddler. He can stand, cruise on the furniture, and walk easily while only holding onto one hand. He babbles a lot and says some words - Dada, Baba, Hi, Ma, Ga,Uh Oh and some other random things we've heard on occasion.

He eats EVERYTHING. He has eaten an entire pork chop, veggie burger, california roll, and bowl of pasta bolognese for dinner. He has an appetite that I've never seen in a baby before.

He's so much fun... independent yet a little clingy when he's tired or teething (speaking of which, he has SIX teeth).

I'll try to update more... no guarantees as I'm very, very busy with my little man ;)

Liam is 10 months and 1 day old.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hmmm... 7.5 months?

I think that's how old Liam is ;) Time flies when you have a giant baby-man! All is well with Liam. Sorry for not updating any time recently. I thought I'd update at 6 months or at least 7. Oops!

Everything is going well - Liam sleeps super well, typically from about 7:30pm - 7:30am which is just PHENOMENAL, let me tell you. It's a far cry from the 2-3 night feedings that seem like they were 20 years ago, but in reality, just a few short months ago. He eats everything under the sun. His favorites are chicken, pork, salmon, tofu, steak, avocados, mangoes, bananas, edamame and asparagus. I sincerely hope my good eater is here to stay.

He's still a large and in charge baby - at his last Pediatrician visit, he was in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th for size! He's tall! Height can be determined better around 13 months so we'll re-visit this topic then... hopefully!

He's pretty mobile at this point with army crawling, crawling backwards, and rolling from point A to point B. I think it could be a couple more weeks until he can manage full fledged crawling which is fairly typical of larger babies. He can also stand while holding onto things, which is pretty neat. He babbles a lot "dadadadada" or "babababa" but nothing really directed yet.

That's about all for now! I'll try not to let 2 months go by again ;)

Liam is 7.5 months old

Friday, March 12, 2010

5 months

Well, my baby is 5 months old today. He celebrated by sleeping 11+hrs uninterrupted last night! His mommy still woke up at 4:45am for no good reason :/

He's been doing so well lately - taking great naps, sleeping through the night on a lot of nights, eating all of the foods I prepare for him, and just being a happy kid.

We took him to the playground yesterday for the first time and he absolutely loved the swings. He giggled and laughed and had an amazing time. He fell asleep in the jogging stroller on the way back and transferred with no problem to the crib. I'm trying to get him to take 2 out of 3 naps in his crib, rather than the swing. That's been going Ok so far.

I've been making all of his meals since last week and that has gone really well. So far, Liam has had: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Mangoes, Avocados, Apples, Bananas, Prunes and next up is Squash. Can't wait!

Here's a pic of my cutie on the swing yesterday:

Liam is 5 months old

Friday, February 26, 2010

Solid foods, sleeping through the night - all the fun stuff!

Well folks, I can hardly believe it, but my son has actually been sleeping through the night lately. Last night we put him down at 8:30 and he slept straight through until 6:30am. Pure bliss. For the past 2 weeks, he has been sleeping better than ever, with several 7, 8 and 9 hour nights. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the start of solid foods, but it certainly can't hurt. Plus, he had nothing last night and still slept well. Like his mother, he absolutely refused to eat sweet potatoes :) I was so proud! We've tried peas, carrots, prunes, and sweet potatoes. He's loved the carrots and prunes, but has hated the other two. We'll probably try bananas or pears next and see if he likes those. It's really fun seeing him try new things!

Liam is such a happy and fun baby, it's hard to believe that if we have more kids, we'd be blessed this way again. He will happily play with his toys for hours on end without a complaint, and he almost *never* cries. He will literally only cry if he really needs something (usually if he gets overstimulated, which doesn't happen too often). He can roll over both ways, he laughs and giggles endlessly, and he smiles almost the entire day. It's like he loves his life as much as his mommy and daddy do! He's GREAT in the car, whether he's sleeping or awake, and he goes to bed at night without a fuss. Even if he does wake up to eat in the middle of the night, he doesn't scream or cry - he simply starts talking, and does sort of a gentle whimpering to let us know that he'd like a bottle. He's also an incredible napper. I can always count on him for a long nap (typically 2-3 hours) and then 2 shorter naps, but he typically naps anywhere from 3-5 hours a day!

Yes, I'm bragging. I love my kid :) We also went through a lot together to get to this point. There was the fussiness/gassiness/colicky behavior around 2 months that I thought would never end (plus the waking twice a night to eat). I'd give just about anything to have been more present during the first 6 or 8 weeks of his life, rather than contained in that horrific post-partum bubble. Every now and then I get a little sad thinking that I don't have many great memories from that time. I know it doesn't help him, or me, to think along those lines so I try and stop myself. I'm doing the very best I can now, and I think I am doing a great job/being a great mom, and I can't wait to witness Liam's next milestones!

Liam is 4.5 months old

Friday, February 12, 2010

4 months old :)

My baby is 4 months old today. I'm both happy and sad about this. He's growing SO big (he's 16lb6oz and 25.5" - 80th percentile) but he's getting farther and farther away from being my little baby. He has such a personality now - he giggles and laughs when we do things he likes - particularly when we hold him upside down. He eats food now (well, cereal) and he slept 9 hours straight last night for the first time (9-6). It was AMAZING. It was weird not being woken up at 3am. I could get used to this...

Liam is 4 months old

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What a difference a year makes...

February 4th, 2009:

February 4th, 2010:

Liam is 3 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days old

Friday, January 29, 2010

Trucking along...

The weeks fly by with an infant! Liam is rapidly approaching his 4th month and perhaps the start of solids. I feel like this kid is never full! He still wakes up during the night to eat, which is getting kind of old. Last night, we put him down at 8:30, and he didn't finish his bottle and woke up at 9:15 for the rest. Then he woke up around 1:30 and had 7.5oz and then again at 5am for another 4oz, and then finally at 7am for another 4. I am sure he's going throw a growth spurt (he has literally outgrown some pants he was wearing earlier in the week) and the stuff on top of his head that I hesitate to refer to as hair (fuzz?) seems to be growing longer by the day. He's very close to 16lbs (we bought an infant/toddler scale last night which is high on the list of unnecessary but fun purchases) and I'm sure he'll be well over 16 by his 4 month check up in a week and a half. I'm dreading his shots :( He did ok last time, but was super fussy the following 2 days. He didn't have a fever but I did end up giving him tylenol at one point as he seemed like he was in pain. Perhaps this time around I will give him a little tylenol right before the shots so the pain doesn't get too bad.

Other than that, being a Mommy is still pretty darn amazing :) In spite of his several recent night wakings, Liam's a really great kid with a happy/easy disposition! I am pretty lucky.

Liam is 3.5 months old

Saturday, January 16, 2010

3 months already

After the initial 6-8 weeks, where all you're really doing is changing diapers, feeding, and putting the baby to sleep (oh, and surviving!) things start to really look up. Your baby becomes less of a blob and more of a person with a real personality. He smiles and coos at you, and gets excited when you pick him up. He can hold his own head up, and play with his toys unassisted. He can also put himself back to sleep when need be, if he's properly taught to. NOT that I am ready to be pregnant again any time soon, but I'm really enjoying all the little nuances of a baby, and I'm realizing that they change every day, and get farther and farther away from wearing newborn clothes and diapers (ok, so Liam wore his for like 2 days, but still!)

I had to take Liam to the doctor for his first appointment outside of a well visit. His tear duct in his left eye has been persistently clogged/infected since he was born. His right eye cleared up within the first month, but this eye had to be wiped down about 8-10 times a day, and no one enjoyed the process. So, I took him in and we received a prescription for antibiotic ointment to be put in his eye 3x/day for 5 days. I think his eye is looking a little better but still far from where it needs to be.

Otherwise, Liam remains a happy and healthy little (BIG) boy who just passed his 3 month birthday!

Liam is 3 months and 4 days old

Monday, January 4, 2010

My little man is not so little anymore :(

Ok, so he was never really that little to begin with, but he now weighs over 14lbs and has outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes and is mainly wearing 3-6 or just 6 month clothes. I sincerely have no idea where he gets his size from (I've been a size 0 or 2 my entire life and my husband is not a big guy either). Either way, his chub is super cute!

As I get farther and farther away from the PPD, I can appreciate Liam so much more. I was staring at him yesterday while he was smiling and gurgling, and tears started streaming down my face. He is so precious and innocent. I can't get enough! Every day he grows stronger and wiser and I'm so lucky I get to witness this.

He is great at holding up his own head, sitting in his bumbo seat, grabbing things with his hands and kicking his legs while he laughs his head off. Soooo cute. I can't wait to get him eating real food to see what he enjoys. I've already ordered him Organic Oatmeal cereal and Organic Brown Rice cereal and will start him on them next month.

Liam is also doing super well with sleeping lately. We've been putting him down between 8:30-9:15pm and he sleeps until 7-8am with one wakeup for food around 3/4am. It's not bad at all. We're all getting much more sleep. I can't forsee him dropping the middle of the night feeding any time soon because he eats a ton then!

Well, that's all for now. Liam is nearing the end of his afternoon nap :)

Liam is 12 weeks old