Saturday, December 26, 2009

Long time no see!

Ok, so I haven't updated in over a month. Oops :/

I've had some very serious struggles with Post Partum Depression & Anxiety which had me in a black hole for several long weeks. I've started to come out of the depression and am hopeful that things will keep getting brighter.

On a positive note, Liam is doing very well. I've recently had to switch him from breast milk to formula which I was very unhappy with originally (I'm on medication which would pass through to the milk) but he's doing so well, gaining a ton of weight, hitting all of the developmental milestones so far, that I really cannot complain.

Liam has been sleeping so much better over the past few days than ever before. He has been doing 5-6 hour stretches and then another 4-5 hour stretch after that. He's also "gooing" a ton which is really fun. He was in the 85th percentile for weight at his 2 month check-up (13.1 lbs) and we think he's probably close to 14lbs at this point - he's wearing all 3-6 month clothes at this point!

Motherhood has been harder than I ever could have imagined, and while I had an inkling that I could have PPD, I never realized how bad it could be. It makes me fearful to have another child, even though I loved being pregnant so very much. B is ready to have another one immediately and keeps joking about Irish twins. Fortunately, I don't plan to get pregnant in the next month, so that is not going to be a reality! I'm starting to experience more of the rewarding elements of being a mom. It's very fun to interact with Liam, and I can't wait until he talks more and enjoys playing a bit more.

I'll do my best at trying to update a little more often!

Liam will be 11 weeks old on Monday